Thursday, February 23, 2012

Very Low.

We try to find a reason for this sadness inside us. Deep down inside you know it’s just going to be with us all the time. No matter what you do. But the worst part is when you are in a good mood and everything around you is fucked up, Filled with sadness, depression and all that bullshit, you don’t want cause you just feel happy and are in a good mood. The surrounding gets you in one way or another, somehow it does get you. And thats when you mind trips. This is kind of frustrating at times, I mean actually most of the times. But you have to somehow adapt to the stuff and get used to being happy even when people are sad around you. I know its really hard to adapt to such things as you can’t help but get bothered by such things. Yeah I Mean You get up in the morning with the smile on the face and feel happy about yourself and think this day is going to be good and you look forward to it. It was obviously something that happened last night (like a nice chat with your close friend) or you had one of those sweetest dreams while asleep. And suddenly everything that seemed to be right, changes drastically like people around you maybe even in your family seems arrogant and pissed off at something. You get out of the house people around you seem low. Like those people you expect to have fun with seem down and out. And they turn out to be so boring on that day; you wonder why in the world is this happening to me right now.

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