Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just A...

Yes so she doesn't catch up with him, Behind her eyes she knows he is there
the tease to let him feel uncomfortable. Calls it a Night , she knows
she still loves him, or rather likes him, she knows he has the same feelings
for her. But doesn't show it, No One wants to be the first. She knows she want to be
with Him, and he has the same thing for her.its Never too late. And unseen, unexpressed
love remains blind. Only A few exchange of eyes, wasn't enough it seems. Time flies, Love dies.
he is never there, he will never be, he does feel like , he does want to be, but doesn't have the confidence,Just Too Shy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Don't Wake Me Up

So... As the morning comes, you let your self go and think what the day has in store for you. thinking of what will happen, what should happen, what you want it to happen. these thought are running in you mind as you wake up. Probably the last five minutes of your sleep is spend thinking about what you want from the day coming your way.these are the last minutes of your precious sleep, the last minutes of you time in bed for the sooner than the next time you touch your bed would be the following midnight. your last few minutes hugging your lovely pillow really tight.those random thoughts you are looking forward to during the day and those which you would hate if they happen, appear in your head.Those Nice Thoughts which put a smile on your face. Its like a Dream Flow Which You Don't want it to Stop. You spend more of your time wanting to think about those pretty spend another five minutes with your Eyes Closed. And As the Time comes to wake up, there is a smile on your face. And As your eyes Open every thing is almost disappearing, fading away...
And You Wonder What went on in your Head...